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Day 2

Good evening from Honduras,

After a ride of approximately 3 hours, we arrived to Trujillo safely, thanks to the Lord. We all had a joyous time meeting with most of the staff that works at Little Hands Big Hearts, and those of us who have previously been here were also happy to reencounter with them and meet new members. Norbentina gave us a tour around the facilities and it was delighting to see how, thanks to the donations and help from churches at The United States, the organization has more necessary materials for the children. Also, its inspiring how the staff works with what they have and get creative to get the most out of it for the children’s benefit. We measured the dimensions of the available space to determine more precisely where different pieces of the playground will be placed and Norbentina gave us feedback as well as details of where we could get some needed materials. We had a tour downtown Trujillo, and apart from learning more about the history of the town, we were able to get all the rest of the materials needed for the construction of the playground from stores nearby. It was definitely great to see others experience a part of the Honduran culture and to try out food and candies that I grew up eating.

Le damos gracias a Dios por habernos bendecido con un día en el cual pudimos compartir con otros, salir de la vida cotidiana para aprender y servir, teniendo siempre en nuestros corazones que somos uno en la iglesia de Cristo Jesús y ver a gran escala el trabajo del reino de Dios en nuestro día a día.

Muy cordialmente,

Mariluz Rivera

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