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The Peugeot Center Retreat

The first week back from Christmas break with our families, our mission team traveled to New Frontiers to bond and grow together. We were there for one night and two days.

The first day we were there we walked in a candle lit cave together. We began with silence to have the time with ourselves and God. As a team we spoke about what is keeping us from fulling surrendering and being the best disciple we can be. We wrote these burdens on a piece of wood then placed them in a fire where we gathered to spend quality time together.

Our second day began at the crack of dawn. We had rotations of conversations to discuss topics such as culture changes and how mission work can affect people. Following this, we took a hike up a hill to a ropes course. Here, we were able to individually complete a set of challenges, but there was also a team centered challenge. As a team, we were to stack milk crates on top of each other. To do this, we had one member suspended in the air with five others holding the rope. This challenge required a lot of trust and communication. We were able to understand the importance that sometimes a teammate will fall (figuratively) but your team will always be there to help you back up.

The missions retreat was a great way to bond as a team and learn about each other's strengths and weaknesses.

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