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Exploratory Mission to PREDISAN

A group of 3 of us (Hope, Seth, and Fort), have taken the opportunity to travel to the south side of the mountains that separates the Agalta Valley from the city of Catacamas. Our mission was to reconnect with our friends at PREDISAN. (PREDISAN was the first NGO partner for Lipscomb Engineering Missions in 2004)

Our first stop was a clinic in Culmi. This is a fairly large rural clinic that serves up to 3500 people in the surrounding communities. There are actually two clinics on the property. One is a family health clinic that treats diseases, provides vaccinations, and other health needs.

The other is a maternity clinic that is specifically for the care of women during their pregnancy and through the delivery of their child.

Because it is staffed 24/7 in anticipation of births at any hour, the maternity clinic has the biggest need for a solar backup power source. We will be looking at this as a possible project for the Peugeot Center.

Our last stop for the day was CEREPA, an alcohol addiction treatment facility operated through PREDISAN. This is a wonderful facility that is greatly needed. Alcoholism is a terrible epidemic in Honduras. They have an interest in Solar Power also, but their biggest need seems to be a better organized computer network that would include audio, video, and telephone in addition to data.

Tomorrow we go to the Good Samaritan Clinic (the official name for PREDISAN's clinic) to meet the staff and discuss future opportunities for cooperation.

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