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Not a Fan

Upon our arrival at the Village of Hope in the early morning hours we were surprised to find that supper had been kept hot for us! The staff here are incredibly gracious and it was wonderful to crash in a freshly made bed even with power (and fans) out. We woke long after sunrise and enjoyed breakfast with the sounds of a children singing at the Church service lilting through the screened windows. After having a very encouraging devotional time we made a trip to inspect the sanitation system site which yielded a few interesting discoveries.

Firstly, many of the children here remembered us and asked after a number of team mates who worked on this project over the past three years. SJ, Benj, Davy, and John came up multiple times probably because they actually got to live with one of the families during their time here. If you guys are reading this then you should know that there are kids here who have requested that you visit again.

Discoveries related to the sanitation system are as follows:

1. The solar power system appears to be running as expected (we were worried about this one and will be testing it more thoroughly in the coming days).

2. The fans appear to have rusted to the point of one failing completely (this was an unexpected setback. We will have to add fan-shopping to our to-do list this week)

3. The plastic septic tank we will be modifying for our purposes has been surprisingly easy to work with thus far.

4. We will always have plenty of helping hands for moving the tanks.

We wrapped up the day taking inventory and checking it against our design to make sure we have every part needed to get started constructing the clarifier tomorrow.

Our hope is to get it built and ready to be installed by the end of the day tomorrow. Ideally we would also be able to take out the old tank and prepare the hole as well.

On the solar side we plan to remove our old monitoring unit to save on energy and try to run the system to see how the power supply acts under duress.

Pray for continued good attitudes, safety, and that we will pace ourselves well tomorrow. We want to be sure to build relationship and stay healthy while we work hard.

We will keep you posted!

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